Ancient is set within an archaeological excavation site nestled in what appears to be a Central American rainforest. This map is rich in various artifacts, including pots, artworks, and monuments that bear a striking resemblance to relics from the Aztec Empire.
Within Ancient, the two main objectives, or bombsites, are characterized by unique themes and referred to as 'plazas' according to the in-game signage. Bombsite A is adorned with an orange motif, accentuated by tarps, paint, and signs that create a vivid atmosphere. In contrast, Bombsite B exhibits a pale blue color scheme, setting it apart from the other areas on the map. The distinct coloration and design elements of these bombsites contribute to the map's overall aesthetic and strategic gameplay.
Bombsite A: Featuring an orange motif, Bombsite A in Ancient is adorned with tarps, paint, and signs that create a vibrant ambiance. The site is filled with Aztec-inspired artifacts and structures, offering various hiding spots and tactical options. Distinct features like ramps and ledges add to the site's complexity, and its open layout provides opportunities for both long-range and close-quarters combat.

Bombsite B: Characterized by its pale blue color scheme, Bombsite B is set within an archaeological site filled with ancient monuments and relics. Its multi-layered design and variety of entry points create a unique tactical environment. The blend of open spaces and enclosed areas, along with the thematic elements such as pots and artworks, contribute to the site's immersive and strategic gameplay.

Update History
December 16, 2022
- Increased bomb radius to 650 from 500
- Flattened out cubbies in red house top of mid
- Pushed back CT spawn 256 units, delaying CTs ~1 sec
- Compressed blocky things on B site, to create longer sightlines and more space to move around
October 26, 2022
- Fixed some boost exploits
- Fixed some minor graphical bugs
June 15, 2022
- Remove cratestack outside of “cave” location.
- Fixed pixelgap from inside “cave” towards T mid.
- Fixed ground clipping bugs in mid causing players to go slightly airborne.
- Smoothed out ground outside of “cave” down towards B ramp.
- Blocked archeological dig inside of “cave”.
- Smoothed out corners in “donut” room.
- Added additional cover near pillar on B.
- Blocked one sidepath exit towards A site, widened remaining exit.
- Fixed some visual glitches when looking out towards mid from “donut” room.
- Reduced wallbang damage through scaffolding at B site.
- Boosted light emitted from candles/lanterns.
October 15, 2021
- Fixed pixel gap through scaffolding near B
September 21, 2021
- Increased size of plantable area in both bombsites
- Fixed bullet penetration on plywood surfaces
- Further optimizations
- Added 1v1 arenas
May 27, 2021
- Art-revision on bombsite B and surrounding area
- Higher contrast base textures at B for better player reads
- Fixed random missing micro-polygons in bomb B totem/sculpture
- Recolored plywood throughout the map for better contrast
- Straightened out broken-wall passage to bombsite B
- Tweaked spawnpoint placement for both teams
May 13, 2021
- Implemented Cubby 2.0 in mid connector to A, to remove cheap shoulder angle towards site
- Slimmed down the fancy rock, also in mid connector to A
- Sparsed foliage and improved clipping on boost planter near A main
- Quieted down soundscape birds
- Removed clipping from top of bombsite sign in A site, allowing you to self-boost to planter by T main
- Added vphysics clip to T spawn water so guns don’t fully submerge
- So many clip brush tweaks
- Blocked grenades from entering inaccessible building by T entrance to mid
- Blocked pixelgaps through scaffolding near B site
- Blocked pixelgaps through doorway trim in new CT path to A site
- Simplified grenade collision on rooftops
- General optimizations
May 6, 2021
- Updated minimap image
May 3, 2021
- New route from CT spawn to A site
- Widened T entrance to left side of mid
- Opened up skylight in T tunnel to A site
- Extended plantable bomb zone in B site
- Opened up ledge in A site
- Various minor bugfixes
January 7, 2021
- Further optimizations
- Fixed some clipping bugs
December 9, 2020
- Reduced soundscape volume.
- Tweaked ambient light levels in some locations.
- Added additional lights to dark corners.
- Removed metal pillars by backdoor entrance to B site.
- Scaffolding by B site can now be shot through.
- Blocked visibility between boxes on A site.
- Tweaked blending for better player reads in some locations.
- Redid visual language of ledges around mid, more obvious what is/isnt pathable.
- Marked additional props for low end CPU/GPU culling.
- Mossy walls no longer surface type ‘grass’.
- Fixed invisible pottery.
- Removed some visual clutter around backdoor to B.
- General optimizations.
- General clipping fixes.
- Added de_ancient_zoo VMF to SDK for community map makers.
December 3, 2020
- Map added to the game with the Operation Broken Fang update.
Bomb Defusal
Game Modes
Competitive / Casual / Deathmatch
Active Duty
Dec 3, 2020
Last Update
Dec 16, 2022
Elite Crew