Mirage transports players to a war-torn, fictional Middle Eastern city, characterized by its blend of traditional architecture and modern warfare markings. The landscape of the map is dotted with narrow alleys, bustling marketplaces, and open plazas that provide a unique tactical experience.
Strategically positioned bombsites lie at the heart of Mirage's gameplay. Bombsite A is notable for its iconic palace structure, providing elevated vantage points and complex entry routes. Bombsite B, on the other hand, is ensconced within an apartment complex, offering numerous nooks and crannies that favor close-quarters combat.
Bombsite A, set near a grand palace entrance, is a hub of tactical possibilities with its elevated positions and multi-layered combat areas. Key features include the Tetris blocks, stairs, and a connector, all of which present various hiding spots and sightlines. The palace's balcony offers an additional vantage point, and the site's overall architecture allows for both offensive and defensive strategies.

Bombsite B is distinguished by its apartment complexes and tight, enclosed spaces. The famous "Van" and "Bench" positions provide cover, while the market area adds to the map's aesthetic. Entry from both the catwalk and apartments leads to diverse attack strategies, and the site's pale blue color scheme enhances its distinct appearance.

Update History
December 9, 2020
- Fixed clipbrushes for Retakes.
January 29, 2020
- Added AWP wallbang spot from palace to scaffolding close corner, A site
- Added bench in mid allowing jump up to window boost spot/peek towards cat
- Widened T entrance to mid
- Lowered trim around B site balcony
- Blocked a jump-peek from middle of B site towards cat
December 13, 2019
- Removed pixel-gaps on boxes in bombsite A.
August 29, 2018
- Fixed texture blends in T-spawn area.
July 6, 2018
- Adjusted player collision on bench wall at bombsite B.
June 12, 2018
- Removed skybox limitations
- Updated some landmark art
- Lowered skillceiling to get into apartments from T spawn
- Banked corner in hallway leading to A site scaffolding
- Removed ladder near entrance to apartments from T spawn, replaced with boxes
- Removed broken corner near van in bombsite B
- Improved visibility from T side of mid towards A connector (removed dark background door inside connector)
- Improved visibility from CT stairs towards T ramp in bombsite A (removed dark background door inside ramp)
- Disabled bullet collision on vertical fence columns in mid
- Removed wooden pillars at bottom of mid
- Fixed some player collision bugs
June 9, 2016
- Fixed pixelwalk in CT spawn
- Fixed some small seethrough gaps in bombsite A
- Fixed small seethrough gap from Short to Mid
- Fixed grenadecollision on van in bombsite B
- Van now plays proper surface sounds when walking on it
- Stairs in palace and B apartments will now play correct surface sounds
- Fixed potential rendering error on wall hole model used in CT sniper position
- Fixed various bugs (Thanks csgobugtracker.com contributors!)
April 21, 2016
- Vandalism
February 17, 2016
- Removed wall-lamps that blocked visibility from ticketbooth to mid in bombsite A
- Removed shelf inside market near bombsite B (thanks TheWhaleMan!)[citation needed]
- Added a plywood board to bomb-crate in bombsite A to make throwing grenades under scaffolding more consistent
October 20, 2015
- Fixed some exotic spots where C4 could get stuck (Thanks amitkilo!)
- Moved palmtree behind ticketbox slightly, to make CTs easier to see.
May 26, 2015
- Fixed some spots where C4 could get stuck
- Fixed some spots where players could get stuck on walls
January 28, 2015
- Fixed a bug where a boosted player in T spawn could peek into mid/CT sniper position.
- Moved a prop to make peeking into palace easier, CT side.
- Removed a strange boost in bombsite A.
January 8, 2015
- Fixed a bug where players could clip through a wall near CT spawn
- Removed center scaffolding near hole to CT sniper position
December 15, 2014
- Fixed a boost exploit near T ramp in Bombsite A
August 27, 2014
- Removed various unintended boost-spots
- Moved some flowers at top of mid
July 16, 2014
- Fixed upper shutters in kitchen having a NODRAW face inside that wall that prevented wallbanging from one direction (bottom wood is unchanged).
- Clipped a part behind van to prevent bomb from getting stuck.
- Thinned B “bench” wall a bit to allow more damage to penetrate.
- Clipped windows in palace so you can’t jump into them.
July 10, 2014
- Updated look of inner middle window wall materials.
- Updated the Catwalk to Kitchen window bang to better visually designate what is bangable and what isn’t.
- Replaced the vent cover in window room with one that allows more visibility through it.
- Connecter to A wall now has a blown out, wood covered wall on the left to visually designate a bangable spot to allow more options for taking/retaking A.
July 1, 2014
- Added to the Active Duty maps group
- Fixed a collision exploit near entrance to Underpass.
February 5, 2014
- Fixed a bug where you could peek over a crate at CT stairs.
- Added a peek position in Bombsite A connector, towards Palace exit.
- Clipped benches inside palace.
- Fixed some boost/exploit spots (Thanks F3RO!).
- Breakable metal panels can no longer be shot through without triggering break effect.
- Made it easier to get into hole leading to CT sniper window.
- Made it easier to move over cart leading to B route from CT spawn.
- Reworked cover in Bombsite A.
- Reworked cover in Bombsite B.
September 19, 2013
- Tweaked cover in Bombsite A.
- Removed trashcan near connector into Bombsite A.
- Added cover at top of CT stairs into Bombsite A.
- Widened box near T tunnel into Bombsite A.
- Blocked visibility under the van at Bombsite B.
- Removed the red pushcart near Bombsite B.
- Removed bed in apartments near Bombsite B.
- Removed center divider in CT sniper window.
- Added cover inside Palace.
- Removed scaffolding in alley near Apartments, tweaked skybox volume.
- Removed chairs in Underpass.
June 26, 2013
- Added more light to CT window into bombsite B.
- Fixed some graphical bugs.
- Removed small trashbags that could be mistaken for players.
August 22, 2013
- Minor bugfixes.
June 19, 2013
- Fixed see-through crates at bombsites, various other bugfixes.
Bomb Defusal
Game Modes
Competitive / Casual / Deathmatch
Active Duty
Jun 12, 2013
Last Update
Dec 9, 2020
Elite Crew
Michael Hull (original author) / Valve