Source: Exotic engrams; extremely rare world drops.


From: Jagi To: Saint-14 Category: 8-sat bounce Priority: 3 Acting on intel from Hunter Vanguard Aparajita-4, my host made contact with the Lightbearer inhabiting the ruins of Caer Lerion. Recommend classification of said Lightbearer as "Warlord." My host engaged, but the target occupied advantageous terrain and our Ghosts' resurrection times have increased by another 2.8 percent, a 0.6 increase from my last report. Further analysis is attached to this report. After several waves, a retreat seemed the only tactical option left to us. Before I could issue the command, a new variable entered the field from above. At first I believed it to be a Warsat. My initial assessment proved incorrect; the variable was a Titan who deployed himself from high ground to deliver an aerial melee assault upon the target. This proved a turning point in the battle, and we were soon able to incapacitate the Warlord and prepare him for return to the Tower. I have asked the Titan to file his own report, which is also attached. END MESSAGE BEGIN ATTACHMENT From: Vell Tarlowe To: Saint-14 Category: 8-sat bounce Priority: 1 I just had the best. Day. Of. My. Life. Get ready for this…